miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015
La gente siempre ha estado fascinada por las luces en el cielo. Los primeros astrónomos y astrólogos, escritores medievales, científicos, navegantes y meteorologos, todos registraron fenómenos extraños.
La pregunta es: ¿Fueron estos iguales que los ovnis modernos?
Los autores de Return to Magonia (Regreso a Magonia) han realizado un estudio serio y crítico de algunos de esos avistamientos. Mediante recursos y herramientas modernas, han diseccionado más de 20 casos fascinantes de los últimos 500 años. Descubren que los ovnis en la historia son tan intrigantes, tan entretenidos, y a menudo tan desconcertantes como lo son hoy.
Este libro de formato grande contiene más de 360 páginas, 700 notas a pie de página, 200 imágenes, un glosario completo de términos, un índice de más de 160 lugares de avistamiento y resúmenes prácticos de todos los casos. Combinando la ciencia, la historia y un amplio conocimiento del campo OVNI, Martin Shough y Chris Aubeck establecen un nuevo estándar para la investigación OVNI y arrojan luz sobre uno de los misterios más antiguos de la experiencia humana.
People have always been fascinated by lights in the sky. Early astronomers and astrologers, medieval pamphleteers, scientists, navigators, and weather observers, all recorded sightings of strange phenomena. The question is: Were these the same as our modern UFOs?
The authors of Return to Magnolia have taken a serious, critical look at some of those sightings. Using modern resources and tools, they dissect more than 20 fascinating cases from the last 500 years, showing that reality can be more interesting than any popular catch-all theory. They discover that UFOs in history are as intriguing, as entertaining, and often as baffling as they are today.
In this unique and challenging book you will read about:
• the flat "plate" seen over a 17th-century Swedish city, leaving witnesses stricken with an unknown sickness;
• a fiery object that landed beside a road in Ohio, piloted by a mysterious man in black;
• a weird blue ball of fire that devastated a British navy ship;
• the Minnesota doctor who saw a disk of "electric" light floating across the fields;
• and a formation of locomotive-sized "eggs" that descended on an Australian town shortly after World War II.
Combining science, history, and a broad knowledge of the UFO field, Martin Shough and Chris Aubeck set a new standard for UFO research and shed light on one of the oldest recorded mysteries in human experience.
CHRIS AUBECK is the founder of the historical research group Magonia Exchange, an international archival project, and the co-author (with Jacques Vallee) of Wonders in the Sky.
MARTIN SHOUGH is a Research Associate for National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP).
Los autores de Return to Magonia (Regreso a Magonia) han realizado un estudio serio y crítico de algunos de esos avistamientos. Mediante recursos y herramientas modernas, han diseccionado más de 20 casos fascinantes de los últimos 500 años. Descubren que los ovnis en la historia son tan intrigantes, tan entretenidos, y a menudo tan desconcertantes como lo son hoy.
Este libro de formato grande contiene más de 360 páginas, 700 notas a pie de página, 200 imágenes, un glosario completo de términos, un índice de más de 160 lugares de avistamiento y resúmenes prácticos de todos los casos. Combinando la ciencia, la historia y un amplio conocimiento del campo OVNI, Martin Shough y Chris Aubeck establecen un nuevo estándar para la investigación OVNI y arrojan luz sobre uno de los misterios más antiguos de la experiencia humana.
People have always been fascinated by lights in the sky. Early astronomers and astrologers, medieval pamphleteers, scientists, navigators, and weather observers, all recorded sightings of strange phenomena. The question is: Were these the same as our modern UFOs?
The authors of Return to Magnolia have taken a serious, critical look at some of those sightings. Using modern resources and tools, they dissect more than 20 fascinating cases from the last 500 years, showing that reality can be more interesting than any popular catch-all theory. They discover that UFOs in history are as intriguing, as entertaining, and often as baffling as they are today.
In this unique and challenging book you will read about:
• the flat "plate" seen over a 17th-century Swedish city, leaving witnesses stricken with an unknown sickness;
• a fiery object that landed beside a road in Ohio, piloted by a mysterious man in black;
• a weird blue ball of fire that devastated a British navy ship;
• the Minnesota doctor who saw a disk of "electric" light floating across the fields;
• and a formation of locomotive-sized "eggs" that descended on an Australian town shortly after World War II.
Combining science, history, and a broad knowledge of the UFO field, Martin Shough and Chris Aubeck set a new standard for UFO research and shed light on one of the oldest recorded mysteries in human experience.
CHRIS AUBECK is the founder of the historical research group Magonia Exchange, an international archival project, and the co-author (with Jacques Vallee) of Wonders in the Sky.
MARTIN SHOUGH is a Research Associate for National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP).
Etiquetas:Chris Aubeck,Libros
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